MSC NAPOLI report uncovers design flawMAIB reports on MSC NAPOLI incident...
During the morning of 18 January 2007, when on passage in the English Channel, the 4419 TEU container ship MSC Napoli encountered heavy seas, causing the ship to pitch heavily. The ship was making good a speed of 11 knots and the height of the waves was up to 9m. At about 1105, the vessel suffered a catastrophic failure of her hull in way of her engine room. The master quickly assessed the seriousness of the situation and decided to abandon ship. Following the broadcast of a distress call at 1125, the 26 crew abandoned the vessel in an enclosed lifeboat. They were later recovered by two Royal Navy helicopters. There were no injuries.MSC Napoli was subsequently taken under tow towards Portland, UK but, as the disabled vessel approached the English coast, it became evident there was a severe risk she might break up or sink, and she was intentionally beached in Branscombe Bay on 20 January 2007.A number of containers were lost overboard when the vessel listed heavily after beaching.The investigation has identified a number of factors which contributed to the failure of the hull structure, including:• The vessel’s hull did not have sufficient buckling strength in way of the engine room.• The classification rules applicable at the time of the vessel’s construction did not require buckling strength calculations to be undertaken beyond the vessel’s amidships area.• There was no, or insufficient, safety margin between the hull’s design loading and its ultimate strength.• The load on the hull was likely to have been increased by whipping effect.• The ship’s speed was not reduced sufficiently in the heavy seas
During the morning of 18 January 2007, when on passage in the English Channel, the 4419 TEU container ship MSC Napoli encountered heavy seas, causing the ship to pitch heavily. The ship was making good a speed of 11 knots and the height of the waves was up to 9m. At about 1105, the vessel suffered a catastrophic failure of her hull in way of her engine room. The master quickly assessed the seriousness of the situation and decided to abandon ship. Following the broadcast of a distress call at 1125, the 26 crew abandoned the vessel in an enclosed lifeboat. They were later recovered by two Royal Navy helicopters. There were no injuries.MSC Napoli was subsequently taken under tow towards Portland, UK but, as the disabled vessel approached the English coast, it became evident there was a severe risk she might break up or sink, and she was intentionally beached in Branscombe Bay on 20 January 2007.A number of containers were lost overboard when the vessel listed heavily after beaching.The investigation has identified a number of factors which contributed to the failure of the hull structure, including:• The vessel’s hull did not have sufficient buckling strength in way of the engine room.• The classification rules applicable at the time of the vessel’s construction did not require buckling strength calculations to be undertaken beyond the vessel’s amidships area.• There was no, or insufficient, safety margin between the hull’s design loading and its ultimate strength.• The load on the hull was likely to have been increased by whipping effect.• The ship’s speed was not reduced sufficiently in the heavy seas
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