الخميس، 24 أبريل 2008

Hanjin Shipping will launch its new Ho Chi Minh Express (HMX) service in May 2008.

New / upgraded ocean services
Hanjin launches Vietnam-Taiwan-Singapore feeder service; NZS partners upgrade New Zealand-Singapore service.(4/24/2008

Hanjin Shipping will launch its new Ho Chi Minh Express (HMX) service in May 2008.
The new HMX is a dedicated feeder service jointly operated by Hanjin Shipping and American President Line (APL).
Each line will deploy one 700 TEU class vessel on the following port rotation: Singapore > Ho Chi Minh (Cat Lai) > Kaohsiung > Ho Chi Minh (VICT) > Singapore.
According to Hanjin Shipping, the cargo volume between Vietnam and the US and Europe is rapidly growing, regardless of the vessel space available in the trade, causing frequent delays and higher feederages.
The company believes that establishing its own dedicated feeder service rather than relying on other feeder services will greatly improve its transhipment service from Vietnam to the US and Europe, particularly during the peak seasons.
Meanwhile, Hanjin continues its effort to develop new dedicated feeder services followed by those established in the Arabian Sea in 2004, the Persian Gulf in 2005, Singapore-Thailand-Bangladesh in 2006 and North China-China in 2007. The company aims to expand its feeder network in major Asian ports where transhipment cargo is increasing in order to provide better customer service

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